Tuesday, November 16, 2010

Email from my step-sister

"When I first got pregnant I had some spotting and I was so scared.  S was in town then so I told her, though not right away.  She took me to the hospital (K was out of town with the car). And after five hours of tests it turned out I had a urinary tract infection with no other symptoms.  What a relief that was.  But no one knew except K, S, and E. K and E weren't around, and S was going to be leaving soon, so I would have had to deal with it alone.  They had thought it was ectopic and had an ultrasound the day after all the tests, which was so amazing even though the guy was a total asshole.

He turned on the machine and said, "Well, there it is, alive and kicking." Then he turned on the sound and there was a heartbeat- which was a complete surprise since you usually can't hear it until 12 weeks.  He then said, "You're nine weeks." Then he threw a Kleenex at me and walked out of the room!  I thought I was only 3 so it was a bit shocking.  I had my period in the beginning of June but got pregnant the en-dish of May.  Crazy.

Anyways I am so excited for you.  K, since having T, tells everyone they HAVE TO have kids.  I know you've wanted to for a long time.  Just wait.  I used to think I love my friend's kids so much I would explode with love if I had my own, and I did.  It is the most rewarding, happiest thing you will ever do.  Totally worth all the discomfort and pain.  My mom was at T's birth (along with everyone else) and she said to me later, "You're nuts, as soon as they had mopped up all the blood and sewn your entire body back together, you said you couldn't wait to have more!" ...and I can't.  Well that's not true.  I want to give T at least a year of undivided attention.  Just always remember nine months of pregnancy and labor - no matter how hard (and it's not always hard) - is so worth the future you'll have with your child.  It goes so fast, in retrospect.

How are you feeling?  Any cravings yet?  That didn't hit me until the second trimester but I was ravenous for the whole time.  I'd get up in the middle of the night to eat.  "What to expect when you're expecting" is a really fun book to have.  I also recommend "Ina May's Guide to Childbirth" by Ina May Gaskin.  She's a world renown midwife.  It might be too hippy dippy for you, but it has some really great points on how to stay strong and calm during labor, and it has birth stories too, which are always fun.  A good body pillow is a must.

O.K.  I'll leave you alone now.  I never really got how women went off about pregnancy and labor before, but now I do.  If you ever need anything, or just want to share news, or whatever I'm here.

Lots of love to you and your little one,

Here's a picture of her little guy, T.


  1. OMG look at that rolly-polly belly on T!!! How adorable!

    What a great email to receive as well!

  2. This is such a super sweet, supportive email! So great you have wonderful people in your life. And seriously, T is ADORABLE!!
