Saturday, November 6, 2010

First Trimester Screening

I went for my first trimester screening ultrasound on Weds. and everything turned out great!  Here are the results:

Estimated due date: May 16, 2011 (which means I am off by a couple of days).  I'll have to start posting my weekly images on Mondays, instead of Fridays.

Fetal heart rate: 160 bmp

Length: 5.5 cm

Head size: 19.6 mm


Trisomy 21 (Down Syndrome) risk for a 32 year old is 1: 433.  My new risk is: 1: 8651.

Trisomy 18 (a congenital disorder) risk for a 32 year old is 1: 1012.  My new risk is 1:20236.

Trisomy 13 (Patau syndrome) risk for a 32 year old is 1: 3186.  My new risk is 1: 63717.

It's such a relief!  Here are a few pictures:


  1. Woohooo! Great screening results, and wonderful little baby pictures! Congratulations!

  2. Those are great screening results! I had to wait 2+ weeks to get mine!!!

    I've stuck with my original due date since I knwo exactly when I conceived (due to IUI) plus the estimated ones by the U/S can be 5 days on either just seemed easier to keep my orriginal.

  3. Wonderful results and cute pics - Congratulations!
