Tuesday, May 10, 2011

Monday's Appointment

My doctor's appointment on Monday was SO much better than last week!  My blood pressure was fine, even though my ankles decided to swell just in time for my appointment.  She wants me to wrap them with tensor bandages, but really, they're so much better now that I'm not working.  If only she had seen them on the really bad days...  I also managed to lose 2 pounds in three days!?  I've been really lucky with my weight gain.  I was only supposed to gain about 15 and I'm right on track for that.  Fingers crossed!

She 'checked' me for the first time.  It wasn't as bad as I thought it would be.  The mild crampy feeling only lasted the few seconds when her fingers were directly in my cervix.

Good news is I'm 3cm dilated and 50% effaced!

She warned me that I might have some spotting after being 'checked' but I haven't really noticed anything except for more discharge and a few strange small bits in the toilet.  TMI??  I figure if you're reading this blog, you really don't care about the gross stuff!!

Then today I went for a biophysical profile ultrasound.  It was at a company I've never been to before.  The tech was not able to tell me much, since she wasn't a radiologist.  At other companies, a radiologist is available right then and there to interpret results.  Oh well, I guess my doctor will call me if there's anything to report.  She was, however, able to give me a weight estimate, but warned me that it can be off by up to a pound in either direction...

The estimated weight is 7 pounds 14 ounces!!  Holy crap!  My vajayjay hurts just thinking about it!!

Since yesterday I have been feeling lots of pressure, with my belly growing very hard at times, but nothing I would describe as a contraction.

My due date is Sunday.  Will she be early or late?  My sister is convinced she'll arrive Friday the 13th.

Tomorrow I'll post some nursery pictures!!!  Fun stuff!


  1. Those sound like contractions to me! Good luck!

  2. Yup contractions probably Braxton hicks. Sounds like you are progressing well.
